Larry Freed ~ "The Ferryman"
When You're Ready to Discover & Create "What's Next?" For You...
When You're Ready to Discover & Create "What's Next?" For You...
At some point, we all find that we can no longer continue doing & being what & who we've been. We know it's time for a change, yet there is often no clear path as to how to make it all work out. When we've reached the end of our current life's path, what lies before us can seem like a dark, formidable "river" we must cross. Though we may try to avoid this reality by ignoring our own inner knowing & guidance, we eventually realize that to move forward into the next version of our life & ourselves, we must leave behind who & how we've been, cross over our "dark river," and create a new way of living, working, and being that is more aligned with who we are now. I've crossed many "rivers" along my Life's Journey. I help those who are ready to cross theirs.
~ This is why I am "The Ferryman" ~
~ I Help People "Get into the Green" to "Be in the Blue" ~
My Life's Journey has been a rollercoaster ride of ups & downs & all-arounds. Through it all, I've been blessed with many extraordinary teachers, guides & "angels" who've shown up at the perfect time to provide the wisdom, guidance & support I needed to cross whatever "river" was standing between where I was and where I wanted to go. For the past 25 years, I've helped all kinds of people make the changes needed to cross whatever "river" they face by guiding & supporting them the way so many have done for me. My role as "The Ferryman" is helping people cross the "river" that currently stands before them along their Life's Path.
First, we'll take care of You. What do you need most right now? We'll talk about where you are, what you want & need, and what "good/great" looks like to you. We'll clarify "What's Next?" for you, and we'll experiment with different ways to actually make that happen. I'll help you see, think & be in new ways that raise your energy, clarify your direction & goals, and awaken your inner spirit of hope & joy. We'll plan the steps to take & we'll celebrate your accomplishments all along your way. Together, we'll get you across your river to continue on your Life's Journey being the person & living the life that fits perfectly with Who You Are Now.
~ That's How We'll Get Across Your "River" ~
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